Code of conduct of the journal "Quaderni eretici"
Quaderni eretici. Studi sul dissenso politico, religioso e letterario
Edizioni CLORI | Firenze | ISSN 2421-3012
The journal "Quaderni heretici" promotes studies on political, religious and literary dissent, with particular (but not exclusive) reference to the Mediterranean geopolitical space from medieval to contemporary period. After having received a contribution, the steering committee, in agreement with the editorial board that assists it, evaluate first its adherence to the thematic interests of the journal. Then, the contribution is evaluated by two external referees, according to the double blind peer review system. If the evaluation of both referees is positive, the contribution is accepted and published in the journal. If one or both referees consider that the contribution can be published only after corrections and/or additions, the author is requested to comply with the referees' suggestions. If the evaluations of the two referees are of opposite sign (one positive, one negative), the opinion of a third referee is asked and only in case of positive evaluation of this one, the contribution can be accepted. The rules mentioned above apply to all contributions received with the exception of books reviews, that, to be published, need only the positive evaluation of the steering committee and of the editorial board.
The authors of the contributions proposed for publication in the journal are required to send texts of their exclusive paternity and free from copyright. The steering committee and the editorial board are bound by the law concerning defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. In compliance with the law, they undertake to carry out any necessary and possible verifications of the texts received.
The authors maintain the copyright of their texts and are free to reprocess them and republish them in other editorial seats, but in these circumstances they are requested to mention, in the appropriate way, the original pubblication in the journal "Quaderni eretici".
Code of conduct of the "Dizionario di eretici, dissidenti e inquisitori nel mondo mediterraneo"
Dizionario di eretici, dissidenti e inquisitori nel mondo mediterraneo
Edizioni CLORI | Firenze | ISBN 978-88-942416-0-0 | DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1309444
The collaboration with the Dizionario is open to all those who share the aims and ideals of the initiative (for further information see the home page).
Each entry proposed for the Dictionary is submitted to the evaluation of the editorial board and by one or two external referee (depending on the type and consistency of every entry and, however, according to a blind peer review procedure).
If the evaluation is only partially positive, additions, modifications, corrections can be requested to the author. If the evaluation is negative the proposed entry is not accepted for publication.
Because of the "evolutive" feature of the Dictionary, widely described in the home page of this site, after an entry is accepted and published, the author have the full confiance of the editorial board and can intervene at any time on his entry for small additions and updates (editing the entry by himself, using the online tools, or by reporting the desired modifications to the editorial board).
The editorial entries (signed "Redazione") have a particular character, which reflects the "evolutionary" physiognomy of the Dictionary: they are to be considered provisional; if an author outside the editorial board is interested in one of these entries, he is authorized to integrate and complete the text (signing his name) or he can write the entry ex novo (in every case the result must be submitted to peer review).
An entry already signed by an author can be, if necessary, integrated and modified by another author (who co-signs the final result), but only in case of the written consent of the first author.
In any case, an entry published in the Dizionario can not be removed by unilateral decision of the author or of the editorial board.
The authors of the contributions proposed for publication in the Dizionario are required to send texts of their exclusive paternity and free from copyright. The members of the editorial board are bound by the law concerning defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. In compliance with the law, they undertake to carry out any necessary and possible verifications of the texts received.
The authors maintain the copyright of their texts and are free to reprocess them and republish them in other editorial seats, but in these circumstances they are requested to mention, in the appropriate way, the original pubblication in the Dizionario.
Page created by Daniele Santarelli | © 2013-2025
et tamen e summo, quasi fulmen, deicit ictos
invidia inter dum contemptim in Tartara taetra
invidia quoniam ceu fulmine summa vaporant
plerumque et quae sunt aliis magis edita cumque
[Lucretius, "De rerum natura", lib. V]